Legal information

Company information 


Company name: AC2M


Head office : 3 allée des Nouratons 21490 Ruffey-Les-Echirey


Phone number : 03 80 74 14 33


Legal form : SASU


Amount of share capital: 104 000 €.


RCS Dijon B 505 308 528


Information on the creation and management of the website


Company name: STRAT INC


Head office : 2 Rue Coysevox 69001 LYON


Contact :


Legal form: SAS


Identification of the Host




2 rue Kellermann


BP 80157


59100 Roubaix


SAS with a capital of 10 174 560,00 €. 


RCS : Lille Métropole B 424 761 419 




This site constitutes a work of the mind within the meaning of the provisions of articles L 111-1 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property and, as such, AC2M benefits in its capacity as author of this original creation of a protection and rights reserved by law.


The use of this service is reserved for a strictly personal and private use. Any reproduction or representation, partial or total, for any other purpose on any medium whatsoever is prohibited, except with the express prior authorization of AC2M in its capacity as author.


Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer, against whom AC2M reserves the right to claim compensation for all damages.


Trademarks, trade names and intellectual property rights


AC2M and/or its affiliates are the owners of the rights attached to trademarks, company names, trade names, signs and other intellectual property rights, the existence and validity of which are expressly acknowledged by all users.


No mention is made of any rights relating to other trademarks, company names, trade names or signs, whether registered or not, which may be attached to certain terms or signs used on this site. However, the absence of such a mention does not imply that these trademarks, company names, trade names, signs, terms or signs are not protected.


It is expressly recognized and acknowledged by all users of this site that any product, service or technology described in these documents may be the subject of other intellectual property rights for the benefit of AC2M or a third party. No right to use such intellectual property rights is granted here.


Respect of privacy and personal data


In accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by writing to AC2M.


Intellectual property


The whole of this site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The names, brands and signs mentioned on this site are the property of their respective depositors. Any use or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the site, its components and/or the information contained therein, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code.


Use of cookies


The website may be required to use the system of “cookies”. The cookie does not allow us to identify you but generally to collect information during your visit to our site. This will allow us to know which parts of our site interest you. AC2M can then better understand your interests and provide you with information tailored to your needs. These “cookies” will also save you the trouble of having to provide information you have already given us each time, as they will remember that you gave us this information at an earlier date. You can detect the existence of these “cookies” and, if necessary, delete them. You can prevent cookies from being saved by turning off this function in your browser preferences.


Security and confidentiality on the network


Messages you send us over the Internet may be intercepted on the network. Until they reach us, their confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Be sure not to disclose unnecessary, sensitive or third party personal or confidential information. In addition, the origin of the e-mail messages we receive may be falsified. Therefore, if you wish to send us such information, you should always send it by post.